Discuss Klues Here - Closed
Written on 4:15 PM by Klueless 4 Team
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Direct/Explicit hints/Answers/Links are strictly not allowed and shall be snipped. Don’t be a spoilsport. Let everyone work out their brain muscles.
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And sorry for the inconvenience once again.

Lvl 16 clue please!!
lvl 18
Even I need help with level 18
@manju/ashwin, pls give 16 clue
read d source, hints r given.
think i got this far without doing that :)
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i tried many thing like- magic square, matirx, but no use
i m nt getting what the statements refers.
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if u have come that far..
then check out other things in the source it self, u have done similar things earlier.
Yes.. even I tried that.. maybe some hint in the third line of the poetry as well..
24 somebody
ashwin i hope thats for lvl 16
hey guys..
can someone give a hint regarding stage 23???
Even a bit...
Dunno how to search for these images!! :)
help us with lvl 18
4X4 matrix
from where to start
for level 16:
use all the hints in the source. try to make sense of what the source is saying. Then use that on the text given.
is bong gone ?
Hints for 15c please...earlier blog is also not accessible... :(
hint for level 12 please...
blog url says klues-for-levels-1-10! :)
Lvl 8 pls... some hints.. i can see a comet.. dasher, a reindeer.. pls pls.. hints ..
lvl 15c
look at the pic carefully, what it is trying to say!
not all at once!!!
23 done guys!!!
easy level only :)
@David: You almost have the answer with you!
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No Ashwin. Its a common(nd temp) blog here.
ppl hint for 18
@Manju: Thts what i am trying to find out since afternoon :(....cudnt get any work done in office either!
@ashwin... anything to point me in the right direction..
lvl 8 .. pls pls pls ..
giv me a clue for the 2nd hf of lvl 21 plzz...I am stuck at it for last 12 hrs :(